Posts Tagged ‘renovations’

I’m 32 weeks today — I’m only about as big as I was when 6 months pregnant with the boys, am in different head space, and am getting the overwhelming urge to purge.

As excited as I am about this little guy, it seems weird to know I’ll soon be back in “baby land” doing “baby stuff”. I can’t help wondering if I will do it differently or better this time around. I’ve grown up a lot since having the boys in my 20’s, look at things differently, and am much more confident in myself as a person. (more…)

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So much to say, such a short attention span:

  • Heading out to Ukiuk tomorrow night with Auntie H and the kids, maybe DH also. I saw it before the Jim Cuddy show and it was pretty fantastic. I want to show the kids so that I can explain that it was actually someone’s *job* to work on something that awesome and inspiring.
  • Disassembling shelving and reassembling it elsewhere, and sorting/sifting through the resulting ephemera seems to be for me the female equivalent of male “ripping and tearing” projects that inevitably commence with the onset of Spring. I relocated another bookshelf and spent a happy afternoon filling it up again.
  • I scored a 1.5L Pyrex bowl to complete my set as far as bowl sizes go, but it’s the wrong era. It will do, though, until I get the red bowl — at which point I will regift it to someone who enjoys retro kitchenware as much as I do. I’d really like to get ahold of some pieces of the ‘Primary Colors’ refrigerator dishes.          (more…)

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